Buna prieteni!
In incercarea mea de a gati cat mai sanatos, in acest week-end am preparat varza de Bruxelles gratinata.
Nu am fost niciodata un mare fan al acestui tip de varza, dar m-am gandit ca daca pun suficiente condimente ingrediente putin mai consistente si daca voi gati cu "drag", o sa iasa foarte bun acest tip de mancare.
Varza de Bruxelles este o leguma foarte sanatoasa. 100 g - 43 calorii; carbohidrati - 9 g.
Hello my friends!
Trying to cook healthier, I'd made this week-end Brussels Sprouts Gratin.
I have to confess that I've never been a big fan of Brussels Sprouts, but I thought that if I put spices, consistent ingredients and if I cook with "love", this kind of dish will taste very good.
Brussels Sprout is very healthy 100 g having only 43 calories and 9 g of carbs.
![]() |
http://juicing-for-health.com/ |
Am avut nevoie de :
- 500 g varza de Bruxelle ( eu am avut varza in conserva)
- 3 linguri ulei
- 3, 4 linguri faina
- 150 ml. lapte
- 200 g. smantana
- 200 cascaval
- 2 oua
- 2 linguri de pesmet
- condimente: sare, piper, oregano si rozmarin.
- 500 g Brussels Sprouts (I had canned brussels sprouts)
- 3 spoons of oil
- 3, 4 spoons of flour
- 150 ml. of milk
- 200 g. of cream
- 200 g of cheese (pressed cheese)
- 2 eggs
- 2 spoons of bread crumbs
- spices: salt, pepper, oregano and rosemary
Mod de preparare:
- Se spala si se scurge varza de Bruxelles de apa. Daca aveti varza cruda, se opareste si apoi se lasa la scurs.
- Intre timp punem o cratita la foc, in care adaugam 3 linguri de faina, treptat. In pasta obtinuta, adaugam treptat laptele si la urma smantana. Condimentam cu sare, piper, oregano si rozmarin, dupa gust.
- Cascavalul se da pe razatoare si se adauga oualor batute bine cu un praf de sare.
- Ungem un vas de yena cu putin ulei, adaugam varza, apoi amestecul din faina, ulei, lapte si smantana,amestecul de oua si cascaval, iar la final presaram uniform cele doua linguri cu pesmet.
Se lasa la cuptor 25- 35 de minute, pana se formeaza o crusta maronie, ca in imagine.
Pofta buna!
- We wash and drain the Brussels sprout.
- Meanwhile in a preheat pan we put the 3 spoons with oil, then the flour. After that we put gradually the milk and the cream. When we obtain a white sauce as in this image, we add the spices and take off the pan from the stove.
- we prepare the eggs like for the omelette and we add the grated cheese.
- in a greasy baking dish, we put the Brussels sprouts, then the white sauce, the mix of eggs and cheese and finally the 2 spoons of bread crumbs.
We have to let this dish, in the oven for 25- 35 minutes, until we get a golden brown crust.
Bon Appetit!!!