Buna dragelor si dragilor!
Desi nu sunt un bucatar profesionist, m-am gandit sa realizez acest blog, in care sa postez diversele mele experimente culinare. Poate in urma feed-back-ului de la cei care imi vor urmari blogul, voi realiza retete inedite, simple si delicioase.
Parerile, criticile si sfaturile sunt bine-venite :-D.
Desi nu sunt un bucatar profesionist, m-am gandit sa realizez acest blog, in care sa postez diversele mele experimente culinare. Poate in urma feed-back-ului de la cei care imi vor urmari blogul, voi realiza retete inedite, simple si delicioase.
Parerile, criticile si sfaturile sunt bine-venite :-D.
Dat fiind faptul ca abia au trecut Sarbatorile de Iarna, o perioada in care ne-am "ghiftuit" cu mancaruri traditionale romanesti, nu prea sanatoase, m-am gandit sa va impartasesc din retetele pe care le incerc in perioada de detoxifiere a organismului.
In week-end am experimentat chiftelutele din mei si legume.
Hello my dears!
Although I'm not a chef, I thought to create this blog in order to post my culinary experiments and maybe after your feed-back, I'll create simple and delicious dishes.
Your opinions, critics and advice are more then welcomed.
After Winter holidays, when we ate not so healthy food, I thought that it's a good idea to share with you the recipes that I'm trying in the detoxification period.
Last week-end I cooked millet balls with vegetables.
Hello my dears!
Although I'm not a chef, I thought to create this blog in order to post my culinary experiments and maybe after your feed-back, I'll create simple and delicious dishes.
Your opinions, critics and advice are more then welcomed.
After Winter holidays, when we ate not so healthy food, I thought that it's a good idea to share with you the recipes that I'm trying in the detoxification period.
Last week-end I cooked millet balls with vegetables.
Pentru acestea am avut nevoie de :
- 200 g mei
- 1 dovlecel
- 1 ceapa
- 2 oua
- 1 ardei rosu capia
- 1 morcov
- 5 ciuperci champignon
- 1 patrunjel
- 1 fir de ceapa verde
- 2 catei de usturoi
- condimente (oregano, piper, sare,marar,frunze de patrunjel, turmeric)
- pesmet
- pesmet
- 4 linguri de ulei.
For millet balls we need:
-200 g millet
-1 piece of zucchini
- 1 piece of onion (medium size)
- 2 eggs
- 1 piece of pimiento
- 1 carrot
- 5 pieces of mushrooms
- 1 parnsnip
- green onion
- spices (salt, paper, oregano, parsley, dill, tumeric)
- brad crumbs
- 4 spoons of olive oil
For millet balls we need:
-200 g millet
-1 piece of zucchini
- 1 piece of onion (medium size)
- 2 eggs
- 1 piece of pimiento
- 1 carrot
- 5 pieces of mushrooms
- 1 parnsnip
- green onion
- spices (salt, paper, oregano, parsley, dill, tumeric)
- brad crumbs
- 4 spoons of olive oil
Modalitate de preparare:
Se spala bine meiul si apoi se fierbe in apa cu sare sau Secretul Gustului. La o masura de mei se pun 2 masuri de apa. Dupa ce a fiert meiul, se lasa la racit.
Legumele mentionate mai sus se dau pe razatoare. Se adauga ouale si condimentele si treptat meiul racit.
We wash the millet, then we boil it in water with salt.
All the vegetables must be chopped finely, then we add the eggs, spices and the cold millet.
We wash the millet, then we boil it in water with salt.
All the vegetables must be chopped finely, then we add the eggs, spices and the cold millet.
In cazul in care pasta obtinuta este prea lichida, adaugam pesmet.
Formam chiftelutele si le asezam in tava unsa cu ulei.
Le lasam la cuptor 40 - 50 minute, depinde de cuptorul fiecaruia ( eu le-am lasat 50 minute).
If the paste is too molten, we add bread crumbs, then we give the shape to millet balls and put them in the tray/ salver greased with oil and put them in the oven for 40- 50 minutes.
The time depends on how quickly the oven rich 180 degrees Celsius. ( I let them for 50 minutes)
If the paste is too molten, we add bread crumbs, then we give the shape to millet balls and put them in the tray/ salver greased with oil and put them in the oven for 40- 50 minutes.
The time depends on how quickly the oven rich 180 degrees Celsius. ( I let them for 50 minutes)
Au iesit delicioase :-) si nu au fost greu de realizat!
They were very simple to cook and very delicious :-)!
They were very simple to cook and very delicious :-)!
Pofta buna!!
Bon appétit!!
Bon appétit!!